Thursday, 5 December 2013

Water Rescue

we knew we are going to have a water rescue session but I have no idea we are going to have it in Indonesia's RAF base! yes, Indonesia's royal air force base. Well, to me, soldiers (army, navy, RAF) are not civilians, in a good way of course. they are different bred and it is a very rare chance to see them in their element in their own ground.

anyway, we got to the swimming pool. I blame the years spent scrubbing pool and pouring chlorine - let just say that apart from not getting myself into the pool, I tried to not touch the water.

It is a bummer though, because the session was really good. I have never participate in water rescue because me dad's certified in water rescue. the instructor instructed in Indonesian and Yana's translated for him. then a bit of warming up before jumping into the pool for a majority of us. I learned from dry land and did a lot of people watching after that from the platform. it was urm, very interesting.

We retreated to the mosque for Zohor and I went a bit jakun meeting the long lost I-dont-know-its-name plant near the mosque. God, it feels so nice to have praying facility available anywhere you go. The one inside the RAF base is open air concept. and filled with RAF personnels. after prayer, we went back to them bathsuit clads lads drying themselves under the equatorial sun and having their lunch. it was sunny and breezy. and we chatted about. the ghosts. of all the topics we can talk about, we chose ghost. and let me tell you, Indonesia's ghosts are no joke. luckily none visit me afterwards.

*all photos are from organizers collection.

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