Maybe we have been frequenting high class restaurant for dinner (we ate at a manor once), but in every restaurant that we have been to, there is praying area, and there is a place for ablution. I am used to pray with what I am wearing, a result of having lived as a Muslim in Europe. I am Asian (or Malaysian to be exact), and we always wear telekung/mukerna over our fully clothed body and there is no other way of dressing for praying. It is a cultural norm rather than obligation in the practise. But the Indonesian students with us always have this pouch containing mukerna and there is always one at the praying area if you want to wear it. It is quite admirable to see them girls in knee length skirt stepping into the praying area. Because the basic pillar in Islam after the declaration of syahadah, is praying the obligatory prayers 5 times a day (terms and conditions applied) and yet I know a lot of people who identify themselves Muslim don't even care about it.
It feels like I have come home hearing the azan (or song according to my fellow participant) vibrating through the air. and the Muslim student life that I think I won't be able to experience, I experienced it there in the compound of UGM Fakultas Kedokteran. To answer promptly to the call of prayer, to be among the people who make their way to the masjid within the compound and to pray together. I am ever so lucky to be given the chance. and yes, during the programme, whenever it is possible, we pray jamaah (praying together. 70 folds brownie points compared to praying alone. correct me if I am wrong)
I really admire them Indonesian students. They are always telling us before going to pray. and even the non Muslim one seems to know as much about the prayer time as much as I do. Sheryl even came with me to find the washroom and even waited for me and Fira to finish praying.